I'm thinking Camtasia

Though my initial experiments with Wink seemed promising as I tried to use it for more tutorials I ran into problems. After what I thought was a good take for a particular demo it crashed and lost my work. Then I did it again and the rendered content audio sounded slow and very deep, unintelligible.

So I downloaded the trial version of Camtasia Studio. It lasts 30 days fully functional and I think I'm going to have to buy it. It seems more feature rich and most importantly stable.

Here is the second take of a tutorial I did with Wink after the first take crashed

then I re-did it with Camtasia as seen here

It was an unscripted session both times I think I probably did a better take in Wink but the quality of the result with Camtasia is much better it seems to me.

Hopefully Wink will improve over time, I'll certainly keep my eye on it, but I need something more robust if I'm going to spend my time creating tutorials so it looks like I will pony up the dough for Camtasia soon, it seems very impressive to me.


re: I'm thinking Camtasia

Sunday, February 25, 2007 5:21:40 PM
Yikes a few minutes into the Camtasia video I start sounding like Mickey Mouse. I guess I'll have to experiment more and see if any of this stuff can be made to work as expected.

re: I'm thinking Camtasia

Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:54:12 PM
Camtasia is much better, even with the switch to chipmunk mode 1:00 minute into the video   Maybe that's a "feature" of the 30-day trial
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