We finally got our mojoPortal e-commerce demo site back online at http://storedemo.mojoportal.com/
Not much work has happened with this project since our initial sponsor went out of business without ever using it. But there has been some interest in getting it moving again and at least some possibility for new sponsorship is in the winds so I thought it would be good to get the demo site running again so people can check it out and help with testing and feedback.
Currently it only supports download products but you can proceed all the way through checkout and you can download the products. It uses Authorize.NET for the payment gateway and is hooked into a test account so you can test it using the card number 4111111111111111 and it will go through. The products in the store are mp3 files of my orginal music which was the only thing I had handy to make download test products with.
More information about the project (though not so up to date) can be found here: http://www.mojoportal.com/e-commercesolution.aspx
and we have special forums for anyone who wants to discuss this project here:
Also don't forget, October 26, 2007 is the last day you can vote for mojoPortal in the PackT Publishing Open Source CMS Awards so if you haven't voted already please show your support and vote for mojoPortal.