Contact Form Irregularities

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8/19/2011 3:00:16 AM
Total Posts 14

Contact Form Irregularities

I have recently installed version of mojoPortal.  In the contact form, I notice at the end of the message area a light gray region with the text Path: p.  I do not remember if this was so before I upgraded to the new version.

I give 3 examples:

There are two things that puzzle me here:
    1. The spam protection measures do not look the same in all cases
    2. This text, Path: p, does not appear in one instance.
All 3 sites are based on the same mojoPortal installation.

Version MSSQL
Operating System Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
ASP.NET Info v4.0.30319 Running in Full Trust

8/19/2011 6:56:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Contact Form Irregularities

When did you download version If it was prior to July 20 then you should download it again as a few files were patched after the initial release:

Updated 2011-07-20 patched to fix a bug in the Contact Form and a script error that could occur if running in a non root site
the only files that changed are:

You should also review the Important Skin Changes sticky thread for notes about skin changes since your previous version.

Hope that helps,


8/19/2011 1:41:30 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Contact Form Irregularities

Hi Gudni,

In addition to what Joe A. said, the 2 items you are concerned with are differences in the configuration on the three sites.

  1. The first and third sites have Subkismet Captcha enabled in the Site Settings, the second site has Simple Math Captcha enabled. To change this setting, follow the instructions on the Configuring a CAPTCHA for SPAM Prevention page.
  2. The instance that is not showing the "Path:" has fckEditor configured as the Content Editor on the Site Settings page. fckEditor doesn't have this feature.

Joe D.

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