About homepage theme

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8/15/2011 9:10:01 AM
Total Posts 11

About homepage theme


I watched the video http://www.mojoportal.com/training-videos-quick-start-tutorial.aspx

There are some icons on the right corner which have the functions such as "add new page" etc, but I haven't seen on my web site. On the bottom there are some tabs "Administration", "File Manager", "New Page"...

Are they same because of version problem?

If I want to replace mojoPortal Slogan Text image with my own, how to do it?


8/15/2011 9:29:51 AM
Total Posts 55
mojoPortal Community Expert
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Re: About homepage theme

I also see the menu at the bottom the same as you and they do the same as the icons at the top right of the video.

I'm not sure if its down to version or skin.

Note also that on some skins you get icons instead of the words 'edit' and 'settings' for the module edit menus.


8/15/2011 9:39:13 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: About homepage theme


The video is showing an old version of mojoPortal. Please see this page for information on the toolbar. You can modify your skin to use the icons instead of the toolbar and that page has information on it.

Joe D.

8/15/2011 9:41:08 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: About homepage theme

yes those links are equivalent to the toolbar links in more recent skins (as Spike said), this article tells about the history of these changes, unfortunately the videos were made quite some time ago so they aren't showing more recent things.

You can change the slogan text from Administration > Site Settings.

I don't know what you mean by slogan text image, but if you want to use an image instead of text you can remove the <portal:SiteSogan control from layout.master and replace it with hard coded html that has an image.

Note that the slogan is not shown in many of the skins, it was something that Artisteer designs had so we implemented a control for it and we use it in the Artisteer skins.

Hope that helps,


8/15/2011 10:19:37 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: About homepage theme

Hi Joe, thank you very much.

Two follow up questions.

  • <portal:SiteSogan, where is it?(Which file) I didn't find it.
  • As you said, I'm no great designer myself as well, so maybe Artisteer can be a choice. Is an academic edition is enough for a personal site?
8/15/2011 10:26:54 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: About homepage theme

I already have Dreamweaver 5.5 CS. Can it export a skin file?

8/15/2011 11:30:00 AM
Total Posts 115
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: About homepage theme

You are not able us Dreamweaver to just create a theme for mojoPortal. Since Dreamwever is a HTML editor you could design a layout using it but you would have to follow the procedure for creating a mojoPortal theme. You can see the documentation here.

I would suggest that you read over the documentation before getting started as it is very in-dpeth and a good place to start. As for Artisteer is might be a good place to start working, but I have see many say the you will probably have to do some tweaking to get it to work 100% with mojoPortal. I have not used Artisteer alot personally because I prefer more control over my design and I like to understand the internal working better. But Artisteer might be a good place to start learning.

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