How do I add another field to the contact form?

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1/30/2010 3:32:21 PM
Total Posts 2

How do I add another field to the contact form?

Under name, email and subject, I'd like to add another text field for phone number. In the future I may need to add another couple of text feilds. I can't see a quick way of doing that..?

Any ideas welcome :)


2/1/2010 2:15:02 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: How do I add another field to the contact form?

The contact form is fixed, but Joe Audette has a great product that you can buy for exactly this case: Form Wizard Pro. We have bought it and our webmaster is very happy with it. The only thing it's currently missing is the ability to add instructional text within the form. That's something that Joe may be addressing in a future version.

Alternatively, if you are a developer, you could make your own custom feature using Visual Studio.

2/1/2010 2:52:24 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: How do I add another field to the contact form?

Hi Jamie - thanks for that, although $99 is pretty steep for a contact form. I downloaded the mojoportal source originally to see if it dynamically picked up form elements - it doesn't (obviously), and then thought I could just hack in my changes - but didn't want to lose them every time I upgrade.

Guess I'll have to make it from scratch. Bit disappointed really because Drupal and Joomla have this sort of thing built in, but I have to use a .NET solution. Cheers though.

2/2/2010 11:21:06 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: How do I add another field to the contact form?


You don't need to do this from scratch. Really, you could put your form into an ascx and install it as a feature on your site. You could also copy the ContactForm code, modify it and install it as a feature. See "Cloning an Existing Feature" for more information.

Joe D.

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