Dumbest, most basic question...

Post here for help with installing or upgrading mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages. When posting in this forum, please provide all relevant details. You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

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10/15/2009 1:49:11 PM
Total Posts 114

Dumbest, most basic question...

I've just downloaded the mojoportal mssql installation files, and the question I have is this:

I'm about to begin working on a project for a client, and I'm wondering if I can begin developing with mojoportal using the ASP.NET development server in Visual Studio 2008 Pro? MUST mojoportal be installed on a full-blown webserver in order to work with it?

Sorry for the stupid question...



10/16/2009 6:58:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Dumbest, most basic question...


Yes, mojoPortal can run in the VS Web Server. Generally for development I recommend the source code download because there is example code you can find for almost anything you need to do by studying existing features (I don't recommend modifying the mojo code though, best to keep custom stuff in separate projects).

However, you can also run the pre-compiled deployment files in VS by opening it as a Web Site.

Hope it helps,


10/16/2009 8:00:54 AM
Total Posts 114

Re: Dumbest, most basic question...

Hi Joe,

I was just getting ready to mojoPortal on my Win2k3 web server, and not looking forward to it.

Many thanks!

D. T. Doutel


10/17/2009 4:13:13 PM
Total Posts 114

Re: Dumbest, most basic question...

Hey, Joe; I've got another problem here; perhaps you can tell me what I'm screwing up on.

I installed the binaries in a development folder on my local machine (Win7), so that I could use mojoPortal as the basis for a website for a customer, as stated above. Prior to doing this, I installed SQLEXPRESS 2008 SP1 locally as well, and set up the TCP/IP, Named Pipes and Shared memory protocols for it. I created the database and login per your installation documentation, and set the connection string in user.config, also per your documentation.

Upon running the website in VS 2008, I get the initial mojoPortal page, which tells me that the named pipes Could not open a connection to SQL Server, Error 40.

Any idea why I'm getting a named pipe provider error, instead of connecting over TCP/IP?


D. T. Doutel


10/17/2009 7:13:17 PM
Total Posts 114

Re: Dumbest, most basic question...

Joe, Ignore my last message; finally got it squared away.

I do have a couple of questions, though. The site I'll be building is for a church, whose current site hasn't been updated since 2003 because they didn't have access to it, and the domain name wasn't registered to them, but to some third party, a real mess. We're still waiting for the domain name to be transferred to the church, and until that's done, I can't really select a host for the new site to be done with mojoPortal. On the bright side, my own host supports mojoPortal through the MS platform installer, albeit a slightly older version than that which I downloaded. My question is: Is it possible to develop offline (VS Dev server), and move it to a host? I'm pretty sure that the code itself could be handled via a web deployment project, but since content is stored in the database, will my efforts be wasted by trying to develop the site locally?

You can see what I'm trying to do; is there a better approach to this? There will also be parts of the default mojoPortal distribution (all of the extra skins) which will not be needed, since I'll be spending the bulk of my time making the site look right for the customer (I'll copy a skin and change it). Once that's done, the extra skins won't be needed.

Please bear with me if my questions are very naive; I've never worked with a content management system before; this is all new to me...

Many thanks,

D. T. Doutel


10/18/2009 3:04:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Dumbest, most basic question...


As long as you develop the db content using a site with a similar url structure, ie http://localhost/ and the site you plan to deploy to has the same url structure like http://www.somedomain.com, it should work out. What you don't want to do is develop the content using an url like http://localhost/mojo/ and then deploying to a different url structure like a root site like http://www.somedomain.com.

Typically the way it would work on a dedicated server is you would make a backup of the db and then restore it on the hosting server. This can be problematic in some hosting situations though. An alternative is to script both the schema and the data and run it on the host using some db tool provided by the host. There is a project on Codeplex which can help with scripting your local db, or third party commercial tools like Red Gate can do this.

You would want to package your files for deployment using the free UnleashIt tool as I do.

Hope it helps,


10/19/2009 4:20:19 PM
Total Posts 114

Re: Dumbest, most basic question...

Thanks, Joe; went  ahead and got them a hosting package today (with my own host, Arvixe; been very happy with them). Appreciate your getting me kick-started.


D. T. Doutel

Doutel Software Services, LLC


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