uploaded files goes in strange folders

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8/25/2009 10:36:25 AM
Total Posts 122

uploaded files goes in strange folders

hi Joe,

I just upgraded to and I've found that, whatever tool I use (fck, tiny, etc), it loads files in a strange position...

working at home for test (with localhost) I expected file will go as in the past in:

c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ITAWAN\data\1\...   (where ITAWAN is my site name)

Instead files are placed in:


is it a bug or is it a due ??

at the moment I don't update my production site because I don't know if it works

bye bye


8/25/2009 10:39:26 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: uploaded files goes in strange folders

What is ITAWAN? Is it a virtual directory? What does your site point to as it's root directory in IIS?


-Joe D.

8/25/2009 11:25:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: uploaded files goes in strange folders


Files go into the /Data/Sites/1/ and its sub folders by design. Its not a bug.

mojoPortal supports hosting multiple sites in the same installation so we keep files separated per site.

So all files uploaded go into /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/ and its sub folders. 1 just happens to be the SiteID of the first site.

The Data folder and its sub folders are the only folders where the web process needs permission to write files. All other fles and folders can be read only.

Hope it helps,


8/25/2009 11:26:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: uploaded files goes in strange folders

Oh wait I misread your post. The only way I can think of that happening is if the /Data folder is mapped by a virtual directory in IIS to this other folder. Or if your site is actually running from that wwwroot folder.

8/25/2009 11:56:15 AM
Total Posts 122

Re: uploaded files goes in strange folders

hallo Joe,

1) it's as you say... my site is actually running from that wwwroot folder becouse I'm working in local.. I belive that in production I will have not that problem...

just to notice that with version the behaviour was different and more user friendly for home testing


2) A second question, I can't figure out how and where to insert the connection flags for multiple folder sites.. how did you do in mojoportal.com ?? thank you very very much



8/25/2009 12:08:46 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: uploaded files goes in strange folders

Admins can upoload files starting at /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/ as in previous versions.

Non admins can upload starting at /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/media

This is explained in the release notes and it was a feature request because its not good to let non admins browse the whole file system for the site and upload files all over the place.

Hope it helps,


8/25/2009 12:35:28 PM
Total Posts 122

Re: uploaded files goes in strange folders

great Joe,

as usual thank you very much !!



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