FCKEditor Display Problem

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6/19/2009 2:59:22 PM
Total Posts 2254

FCKEditor Display Problem

Using Internet Explorer: when the FCKEditor is used with the YUI elements, the editor doesn't always show up. This only happens when I am using the FCKEditor, I switched my site to TinyMCE and it works fine. I tried it out using FireFox and all is fine. I duplicated the problem on the demo site as well.

The features I noticed this with are:

  • Content Templates (in the admin menu)
  • Event Calendar Pro
  • Form Wizard Pro

Also, when I switched to TinyMCE, I clicked on the "Template" button and it didn't populate with any of the YUI templates or one that I created. Do the Content Templates not work with TinyMCE?


6/20/2009 6:41:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FCKEditor Display Problem

Hi Joe,

Thanks for pointing out this issue, I do not use IE as my main browser so I had not noticed this. Obviously a large percent of my visitors use IE so this was not giving a very good demo experience for my products if the editor wasn't working. So, I'm very glad to find out about this and fix it. Its always something with IE, I mean hardly ever do Firefox upgrades mess anything up but with IE some things get fixed and some things get broken with each new version.

I was able to work around it by switching the YUI version from 2.7.0 back down to 2.6.0, you can do the same by adding this to your user.config:

<add key="GoogleCDNYUIVersion" value="2.6.0" />

The templates and styles are only available in FCKeditor, it was low hanging fruit to integrate into FCKeditor, it will be a much taller order to come up with something for each editor and it is not a high priority for me at the moment. As it is, FCKeditor is the only one with built in image browse and upload as well, its the only editor I use and I recommend it above the others.



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