*.resx missed in the deployment - with UnLeash It

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3/16/2008 1:22:31 AM
Total Posts 1

*.resx missed in the deployment - with UnLeash It

This ia a great tool - I just started enjoying it.

While I following the deployment guid with UnLeash It, found that:

*.resx missed in the deployment - with UnLeash It.

Thanks a lot.

3/16/2008 7:02:13 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: *.resx missed in the deployment - with UnLeash It

Hi Roy,

The UnleashIt tool deploys any file type that is registered for deployment. By default, in my installation, .resx is already registered. In my instructions on this page, I only mention the file masks you should add in addition to defaults, but I don't mention .aspx .resx etc because those are included by default.

Look in the list of file maps in your screen, is *.resx there as it should be?

If so then the problem is more likely one of file permissions or file timestamps. If you think a specific file is missing, look in the Web/App_GloablResources folder of your source code, what is the last modified time of the file there? Then check if the file exists in the deployment target folder under App_GlobalResources. If an old copy is somehow there with a newer timestamp it will not be deployed, or if the one in there soemhow got funky permissions on it it can't be overwritten. In either case just delete the older file and deploy again.

Hope it helps,


6/3/2008 1:46:55 PM
Total Posts 92

Re: *.resx missed in the deployment - with UnLeash It

Hey Joe.   I just formatted my development machine (it seems I need to do that at least once a year when it gets slow) and installed a fresh copy of UnleashIt with no custom profiles created since I do everything from batch files.

When i deployed to an empty directory it missed the *.resx file, so I don't think it is a default.   You might want to update your http://www.mojoportal.com/deploymentfromwindows.aspx page.

Because I was unsure of the defaults I just explicitly listed all the extensions like so:

"c:\Program Files\Unleash It\unleashit.exe" /u /masks:"*.resx;*.asax;*.aspx;*.ascx;*.config;*.xml;*.gif;*.jpg;*.png;*.dll;*.css;*.js;*.html;*.asmx;*.ashx;*.xml;*.xsl;*.master;*.skin;*.xsd;*.browser;*.skin;*.theme;*.png;*.ico" /folders:"_vti_*;_private" /s:"D:\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\mojoportal_svn\trunk\Web" /d:"d:\WebSites\mojoportal"

6/6/2008 7:33:15 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: *.resx missed in the deployment - with UnLeash It

Thanks I updated the page to indicate that *.resx should be added.


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