file manager does not working

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3/24/2017 1:01:38 PM
Total Posts 163

file manager does not working

i've installed latest 2.5 release on aruba server.  the file manager say error 404 - backend bridge is not working...


how to solve ?

3/24/2017 3:01:56 PM
Total Posts 93

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: file manager does not working


This isn't enough information to diagnose the issue.

The easiest way to go about diagnosing this issue is if we had access to your hosting panel, so please go to this link and fill out the form with your login information and a link to the site so that we can better help you.


3/24/2017 4:28:04 PM
Total Posts 163

Re: file manager does not working

link in the post is dead...

i need to solve the problem... this is any data


running on ARUBA

windows server 2012 IIS7

dot net 4.5 integrated pipeline mode

SQL server 2012


running in medium trust

running website not in root folder but in ....  /website/...

3/24/2017 4:37:13 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: file manager does not working


Sorry about the link. We're working on new processes for helping people out when they need to share private information with us.

You've been added to the correct role to be able to see the page. Please try again.


3/24/2017 4:42:30 PM
Total Posts 163

Re: file manager does not working

ok.. thanks..  module fill done..


3/24/2017 5:57:07 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: file manager does not working

The problem was that the file manager wasn't accounting for cases of mojoPortal running in a subfolder. Fixed the issue in the views and it works fine. We'll update the release with the corrected files. These files changed:

  • /Views/FileManager/Index.cshtml
  • /Views/FileManager/Pages.cshtml


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