301 redirect problem on "general settigs"

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10/3/2015 9:28:50 AM
Total Posts 122

301 redirect problem on "general settigs"

Hi Joe, I have a problem.. running mojo on arvixe version MSSQL

following instructions on https://www.mojoportal.com/forcing-a-preferred-host-name.aspx I was able to redirect my whole site to an other domain....

Then I decided to go back so I did a query as described <<UPDATE mp_Sites SET ApiKeyExtra5 = ''>>

Nothing changed, even after making a setup of site (first point of issue)

Fortunally I've done a backup before of the database... ok, i've restored it

Site works again BUT when in administrator panel I click on "general settigs" (and only there), it promps me back to the previous redirected domain...

So actually I'm not able to do anything on "general settigs" of administator panel

Where do I wrong ? Do I have to change something more ? How can I work it out ?

Thank you so much in advance

Michele (forrm Rome)

10/3/2015 11:18:03 AM
Total Posts 122

Re: 301 redirect problem on "general settigs"

sorry.. now it works

I had to delete the cashe from browser

thank you so much.. only one question over...

does the forcing-a-preferred-host-name work in multisite for just one site ?

Thank you so much



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