RSS Feed

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8/14/2015 4:14:18 AM
Total Posts 3

RSS Feed

What operating system?
Windows Server 2012 R2

What database platform?

What version of mojoPortal?

What version of .NET?
ASP.NET Info 4.0.30319.34209 Running in Full Trust

Steps to produce the problem, expected results, and actual results.
We have created a RSS Feed on our intranet and we try to add links from our news page on our intranet to the RSS Feed but nothing shows up.
The only way to make the links to show up in the feed is to go in to the news page, press Settings then Security, then go to "Roles that can view this content" and choose "All Users". We would like to choose only "Authenticated Users" so that there is no risk for any information to leak outside the intranet.

8/14/2015 8:12:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: RSS Feed

RSS is an xml format for syndicating public content, it has no security features and should not be used for anything but public content. I have no solution for you to use it with protected content.

8/14/2015 8:15:45 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: RSS Feed

Got it, thanks for your answer.

8/14/2015 4:32:31 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: RSS Feed

If I have understood your scenario, I think you can make private blogs visible as RSS feeds by adding an authentication GUID to the feed URL, as documented here


8/23/2015 5:41:24 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: RSS Feed

From hitting the same issue on an intranet site, I have also found that this is easy to solve without needing the GUID approach...

If the blog feature is not set to be visible to "All Users", it seems that nothing is emitted in the RSS feed without the extra GUID previously mentioned. So you need to make the blog feature visible to all users if you want to use the content in the feed manager. However, if the blog feature is on a private page, then you achieve the result you want, i.e. only defined roles can see the blog, but the posts show in the feed. And the feed manager can be on a role-secured page. So job done, I think!

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