TinyMCE as Newsletter editor – no link button as standard and JSON error on spellcheck

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3/12/2015 10:46:31 AM
Total Posts 25

TinyMCE as Newsletter editor – no link button as standard and JSON error on spellcheck

Hi Joe

When using mojoPortal (SQL Server Express | Win Web Server 2008 R2) and selecting TinyMCE as the Newsletter editor, the link/unlink button does not appear on the toolbar whereas it is there if CKEditor is used.  (This is demonstrable on the standard demo site.)

We have resolved it locally by switching to a custom TinyMCE4.config file and adding “link” to the Plugins specification for the Newsletter editor.  Would it be possible to include the link/unlink button in the default mojo TinyMCE editor config for future releases?

Also the spellcheck button returns the message “Sever response wasn't proper JSON. ”.  Is that a TinyMCE bug or something I’ve missed?

Thanks for your help on this.

Best regards


3/13/2015 9:02:47 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: TinyMCE as Newsletter editor – no link button as standard and JSON error on spellcheck

Hi Neil,

I will add the link unlink to the newsletter toolbar, that was intended to be included.

Unfortunately the spellchecker was based on google's spell checking api which has been permanently discontinued.

However, if you remove spellchecker from the plugins list for all of the toolbars (as I have done just now in the master copy of mojoTinyMCE4.config), you will find that the web browser spellchecker will squigly underline unrecognized words (at least in Chrome which I am using). If you hold down control and right click the squigly word it will suggest a spelling.

Hope that helps,


3/13/2015 11:09:14 AM
Total Posts 25

Re: TinyMCE as Newsletter editor – no link button as standard and JSON error on spellcheck

Hi Joe

Many thanks for your help on that.

All the best


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