jCrop width and height not working

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1/13/2015 7:49:36 AM
Total Posts 4

jCrop width and height not working

Hello! I've noticed that the width and height inputs don't change anything with the crop size in the file browser. I expected the crop outline to change based on what numbers I put in (probably on blur). I've only checked in Chrome on Windows 8, but I think the problem is universal.

Thanks in advance if you look into it.


1/13/2015 8:13:32 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: jCrop width and height not working

Those boxes indicate the size of the new image after cropping. 0 means the same size as the crop selection. using those boxes you can make the cropped image larger or smaller than the crop selection within limits from config settings. So the boxes do not have any effect on the crop selector itself, just on the resulting image size.

1/13/2015 8:40:29 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: jCrop width and height not working

I see. I misunderstood how that was supposed to work. Would it be possible to change the aspect ratio of the jcrop selector as well? It seems like that would be useful feedback for the person cropping an image.

1/13/2015 9:45:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: jCrop width and height not working

its just javascript selecting the crop points, it doesn't really know anything about the image, the cropped image is created on the server based on the selection points.

We can force an aspect ratio and we do for example where users can upload an avatar/photo if using the internal avatars, we force that to be square because we want all the avatar images to be the same size and shape.

But it makes no sense to put that kind on restriction as a policy on other images in content when we know nothing and can make no assumptions about what the user wants.

1/13/2015 12:33:37 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: jCrop width and height not working

I see what you're saying about not knowing what aspect ratio the user wants ahead of time, but what about after they punch in values in the width and height inputs? Could the jcrop selection change on blur of those text inputs?

Thanks for being so responsive about this, by the way. That's awesome.

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