Last post date/time in forums?

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5/17/2014 11:04:53 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Last post date/time in forums?

Hi Joe 

I just happened to notice in passing that the "Last Post" column on some of the forums at does not agree with the actual date/time of the last visible post. Looking it it right now, the "Report Bugs" forum tallies correctly, but "Installation Help" shows 17/05/2014 06:47:18 (I'm UK) while the last visible post is actually 13/05/2014 17:01:56

5/19/2014 8:22:54 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Last post date/time in forums?


There was a bit of SPAM on the forums and we deleted them. When deleting a post the "Last Post" date/time doesn't get updated.

Joe D.

5/19/2014 8:29:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Last post date/time in forums?

Joe D is right about how it happened, we had a flurry of spam posts that got deleted Saturday morning. I "think" this may be a db platform specific issue, I'm pretty sure it does not happen with MS SQL but this site is using MySql. I will fix it when I get a chance but it does correct itself after the next post in each affected forum.



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