Multiple Problems after Upgrade to

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5/7/2014 1:44:49 PM
Total Posts 11

Multiple Problems after Upgrade to

Please help:

I have a multisite intallation that was running  It was running without any problems. It is hosted on Arvixe, SQL2012db, ASP 4.0

I tried to perform an upgrade from directly to but that process failed.  So I started to do it incrementally and finally just erased all the files at my host ( I did save my customized skins and user.config offline).  I then used FileZilla to upload the compiled files to the site.  I next loaded my skins and the user.config file.  After several attempts I was able to get the setup/default.aspx page to load and it ran through its processes and I thought I was in business.  Both sites served and continue to serve pretty much as before.

Here are my problems:  ( All issues under the administrator role)

  • Cannot create new pages.  (Error is displayed saying "Must specify valid information for parsing in the string")
  • Selected Logo will not save per site.  (no error displayed, just will not save). 
  • Intermittantly the Site Logo selection box disappears.
  • Manually editing the db table sites and inserting the logo file name will work.(However if I subsequently edit the page under mp and save the attempt the logo info is erased)
  • Cannot use the add/edit pages under the admin menu to select a page for either editing, viewing or settings. (Error is displayed saying " No page has been selected. You must click on a page to select it.")

I then thought perhaps I have some corrupted files on the server. So I unzipped a new copy of the files and uploaded those to a new physical installation on my host server.  This was for troubleshooting only.  I had it use the same db as the original site(s).  I was going to see if a "from scratch" installation would work for me.

  Rather than helping this has complicated matters.   Now this new site has assumed the role as the main site in a multi-site installation which is not at all what I wanted.  The system log has a bunch of entries about it not being able to find my custom skin.  So the new installation is reading a db entry and thinks it is site 1.  I don't know how to tell it to ignore those files in the other physical installation and rather to look at the files in the new installation.  When you view the log please ignore those entries since they only showed up when I added the second physical installation.

Question1 :  Should I erase the "new" installation since that obviously is not helping or will I break some like there?

Question 2 :  Does anyone know what I should try to get my admin functions working correctly?

Question 3:  If Question 2 stumps you then what is the best way to start a "new" physical installation so I can test that the write permissions etc are correct on my server and database.  Should I create a new installation with a new database?

I have a system log since Tuesday of this week.  Do you have a way I can attach the text file to send it directly as opposed to pasting it here?

Thanks so much




5/7/2014 2:13:54 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Multiple Problems after Upgrade to

I would not have started the upgrade on an old version like that without a full offline backup of the files and the database so that it would be possible to restore it exactly as it was if something went wrong.

"I tried to perform an upgrade from directly to but that process failed."

Should have stopped there and asked for help and described in detail what you mean by that process failed.

"So I started to do it incrementally"

bad idea, just making it harder, upgrading to a version other than the latest is just as difficult as upgrading directly to the latest version, so just more steps, more complications, more work, and more opportunity for things to go wrong

"and finally just erased all the files at my host"

another bad idea, files uploaded by users such as images used in content are stored on disk under the /Data folder, so I guess you lost that content by deleting it without a backup, there is no way to recover that so if your content had images in it those images are lost now.

"I unzipped a new copy of the files and uploaded those to a new physical installation on my host server."

another bad idea that will break things. sites can only run in an application boundary ie an IIS site or a folder below a site configured as an IIS application.
nesting additional copies of files in other folders within that structure will definitely break things

I would delete that extra tree of files
I would only have one set of the latest deployment installation files uploaded to the root of your web site. ie the contents of the wwwroot folder in the deployment package should be uploaded into the root of your site so that the Web.config file lands in the root and dll files land in the bin folder and other files land in the correct folders.
I would watch very carefully for any ftp errors during upload and retry until all the files get uploaded. Then I would visit the /Setup/Default.aspx page 

it should be possible to get the site working again since most content is in the database but as mentioned you may have missing images since you deleted the files

5/7/2014 2:38:13 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Multiple Problems after Upgrade to


Does Arvixe have a backup of your files and database from before you started all of this?

I might be able to help, offline. If you're interested, contact me here.

Joe D.

P.S. — This is a little late for your issue but I wanted to post a link to "The Ultimate mojoPortal Upgrade Guide," written by yours truly.

5/10/2014 7:24:35 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Multiple Problems after Upgrade to

I did not intend to suggest that I do not have backups of everything. However, since the site(s) are currently serving I was hoping this would be something that could be tweaked rather than restore and start over.  I do have backups.

I have deleted all the files in the the second physical installation.  I now will delete everything under wwwroot and reload.

I will not restore my custom skins but will restore my user.config file.

Then I will browse to setup/default.aspx and get the generic site running.  I will select a skin that comes with the installation.

Then I will attempt to make some admin changes and see if they give me any errors.

If those fail then I will get back to you.

Assuming the generic site runs.  Then I will try to load my customizations including images and skins.

I must time this so that the current running websites are down during a convenient time.






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