TinyMCE Extended elements (onclick)

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4/9/2014 4:00:12 PM
Total Posts 225

TinyMCE Extended elements (onclick)

mojoPortal:, SQL 2008R2, .NET 4.5

I'm using TinyMCE as the WYSIWYG editor and a custom config file. I don't think the ExtendedValidElements is being read. Since the latest version of TinyMCE I can't add onclick to an "a href" tag like we could before. There are a number of tags we need to allow, but especially that onclick.

On the Demo site I see TinyMCE stripping out some of these needed tags as well.... By default I don't see onclick allowed, although it is on the CKEditor. On the last version I could allow onclick, but not now.


On a side note it might be nice to have access to other variables in TinyMCE, not sure which ones... but there's a lot that could be customized if there was a way to do it.

4/10/2014 10:33:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: TinyMCE Extended elements (onclick)

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the bug report, I was able to replicate and fix this on my local machine so that onclick is not being removed by TinyMCE. This bug report is just in time as I'm getting ready to package up a new release. Yesterday I updated to the latest new release of TinyMCE 4.0.21 and deployed it to the demo site.

As far as other properties that could be enabled you would need to make specific requests about which ones you think are missing that should be included and I will review and consider them on a case by case basis. This one was actually a bug in that we thought we were rendering the ExtendedValidElements from our config file but it was not being rendered so changes to that setting in the config file were not working. I've also updated our default TinyMCE4.config file to allow onclick on links for the Full and FullWithTemplates configurations.



4/10/2014 10:42:58 AM
Total Posts 225

Re: TinyMCE Extended elements (onclick)

That's great, thanks Joe.

Just fixing this may do the trick. I was trying to go at this possible bug from different angles and realized I couldn't do too much more than what options were available in the config. So this fix may well fix it all.

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