Inor apply tsert image dialog not working?

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1/12/2014 12:49:41 PM
Total Posts 5

Insert image dialog not working?

I'm using the current version in Windows 8.1.  When i open the insert image dialog, i select a png image and click the ok and nothing happens.  Clicking the Cancel button or the X will not close the dialog or apply the changes.


1/12/2014 2:07:54 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Inor apply tsert image dialog not working?


mojoPortal uses CKeditor and/or TinyMCE editor. I am aware that CKeditor made a new release of their editor with some fixes for IE 11 on the same day we released mojoPortal, so it did not make into the current release.

However, we have already updated to the new version of CKeditor in our source code repository and we are very close to making a new release of mojoPortal that should fix this.

I am not able to reproduce the problem you describe using IE 11 on our demo site which is already using the new version of  CKeditor. So you can check there to confirm the problem is fixed.



1/12/2014 4:35:46 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Inor apply tsert image dialog not working?

Thanks Joe,

<<new version of CKeditor in our source code repository >>

I cloned the directory but am clueless as to which CKeditor files I need to upload and of course the web.config changes i need to make.

Maybe i should just wait for the next release if it's coming out soon.



1/15/2014 5:28:49 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Inor apply tsert image dialog not working?

Welp Avixe has been a total does not  work and now the page edit for mojoPortal is not currently working in the current release.  I'm as persistent as any other programmer but this is not ready for prime time. Was really looking forward to using this and hosting with Arvixe. Apologies in has been a bad week....

1/15/2014 8:23:35 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Inor apply tsert image dialog not working?


If you're having problems with hosting, try i7MEDIA.

If you're having problems with mojoPortal, what issue is that you are having? If it's still with CKEditor and IE 11, use another browser until the next version of mojo is released which will include the new CKEditor.

Joe D.

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