Posts in Category: Releases

Another new release this Weekend

I'm planning another release by the end of the weekend with some new enhancements and fixes. I  enhanced the Html Content module to handle single items, articles, announcements etc. Improved the Links module by allowing you to configure whether to display an optional description for each link. Added an option to hide the title of any Module.   I've also made the site logo selectable from a dropdown on the Site Settings  admin page. There are some other improvements to the object hierarchy that are less visible but just as important and a few minor bug fixes.

As you may have noticed, I'm using an iterative development process with short release cycles.

Release 20041219 alpha now available

This release includes the new Contact Form and the FCKeditor.  I tested it on monoForge and everything worked great this time.

Next on the development front is some improvements to the Html Module to make it support repeated items like articles and announcements.  After that I will consolidate the Links and Quick Links Modules since it never made sense to have 2 of them.  Then I will start on a new Documents Module for safe user file management with versioning.  The theme for now is putting a better fit and finish on the core features to accomplish common tasks.

New Release 11/28/2004

A new release is now available on the download page with several bug fixes.  I wanted to get these fixes out before I start work on the Photo Gallery feature. You'll notice a few structural changes in the folder hierarchy. I have moved the Register, Login and User Profile pages into a folder named "Secure". I plan to soon add page level configuration for requiring SSL but by moving these pages into a special folder you have the option in IIS and I guess also in Apache to require SSL for all files in the folder.  I'm just thinking ahead of ways for hardening an installation. I've also moved all files that can by uploaded or updated by the site code into a folder named "Data", this way you have the option of limiting write priveledges for the ASP.NET worker process to this folder and its sub folders rather than having to allow it for the whole site folder structure.

In case you are interested, as of today we've had 281 file downloads about 76 of which are for the VS.NET solution source code. The rest are for deployment files or the monoDevelop solution for the MySQL data layer.

Update: 11/29/2004 There was a problem with the original files I posted yesterday for deployment on monoForge so if you already downloaded it please download again to get the corrected version. Only the monoForge deployment version was affected, it had the wrong version of mojoPortal.Data.dll in the bin.