Posts From January, 2007

New Release Tomorrow

I was hoping to make a new release today but it is postponed until tomorrow to allow time for a little more testing.

I've updated this site to the latest code. There are a lot of improvements in the coming release, especially thanks to the feedback in the forums a lot of little things have been polished up.

I'll post the details after I make the release tomorrow but wanted to announce the postponement because I mentioned in the forums I was shooting for a release this weekend but it isn't going to happen today.


Localization Documentation Updated

I've just updated the documentation about localizing mojoPortal
I'm renewing my push to improve documentation as I believe this is critical to improving the popularity of mojoPortal, which in turn is crucial for my business plan and trying to make a living working on mojoPortal.

Right now my top priorities are documentation and preparing for a new release with the recently completed extensible User Profile system.

The e-Commerce Solution project is temporarily on hold for now because the deadline has been pushed out by the one sponsor I have for this project and because the project is currently under funded and therefore not as high on my priority list.
Currently I have one sponsor pledging $1000 for this feature. I would really like to find some additional sponsors to make it worthwhile for me to work on the e-commerce feature so if you are interested in this feature and have any funds in your budget, please consider sponsoring this project. Please contact me if you are interested.

New Extensible Profile System in svn

I just committed the new Extensible Profile System to svn branches/2.x

Anyone who can help test before the release, it would be greatly appreciated. Post in the forums if you have any difficulty or questions.

With this feature, user profile properties are specified in mojoProfile.config file, you can totally customize what properties show up on the user profile page and you can also specify properties that are required for Registration on the site. You can specify any System data type that can be serialized as a string. Boolean properties will be rendered as checkboxes, all other types will be rendered as a textbox. It is also possible to configure dropdown lists, see the Gender property in mojoProfile.config for example syntax:
<add    name="Gender"
                <Option value="" TextResourceKey="GenderUnselectedLabel"></Option>
                <Option value="M" TextResourceKey="GenderMaleLabel"></Option>
                <Option value="F" TextResourceKey="GenderFemaleLabel"></Option>
                <Option value="T" TextResourceKey="missingkeytest"></Option>

I'll be working on documentation for this new feature tomorrow, so more to come, but I'm hoping some brave developers will jump right in and try it out.

Update 1/5/2007: I've just completed the documentation for this feature here, let me know if there is anything unclear or any feedback for improving the documentation or the feature itself.