mojoPortal now has 100 registered users!
of course there are a lot more people visiting the site and downloading both the code and the release files, it seems that most people won't register if they can help it. I must admit I'm the same way, it takes a lot for me to register at a site. I guess its because we fear the possibility of an onslaught of spam. But I assure you if you register at you won't get any spam from me at least until we get the Newsletter module built! But seriously it, even that will be an infrequent thing with an easy opt out on your profile page or from within any email newsletter that we have in the future. So come on if you haven't already, register and show you appreciate mojoportal.
In case you are interested, here is how we are doing in terms of traffic.

February was only half a month of data, before that the site was running on a Windows server but in the middle of February I moved the site to a Linux server with mono.
mojoPortal is coming up on a year of development time this month and 1 year since the first release in November.
Of course I only get to work on it mostly on weekends and some evenings. I do have a full time job separate from mojoPortal