Thanks to your nominations mojoPortal is a finalist in the 2011 Open Source Awards in the Open Source CMS Category!

That means we've made it to the next phase of the contest which is voting, so now we need your vote! The competition is very tough every year and the finalists are all excellent contenders with larger communities than ours which makes it easier for them to get votes, so we are definitely the underdogs in this contest and we really need as many of our community members to vote for mojoPortal as possible. The voting phase is open from now until October 31, 2001, then the judges weigh in and the final winners will be announced on November 7, 2011. I know that voting seems like the same thing as nominating but nominations were just the first phase. Thanks to you we got enough nominations to make it to the finals but voting is even more competitive and we need your support now more than ever! So go vote for mojoPortal today!

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