This month we have slew of very nice new mojoPortal sites designed by our friends over at TRIAD Communications/Next Level Interactive. They are very good designers and we have featured sites from them several times in the past. Both the TRIAD Communications site and the Next Level Interactive site also run on mojoPortal, though the Next Level Interactive site is mainly using Flash rather than Html for the UI. We love it when designers use mojoPortal not only for their customers but also for their own sites.
Here is a full list of new sites they let me know about recently followed by screen shots of a few of them:
All of these sites have very professional designs and are worth a look, here are screen shots of a few of them:

We'd love to hear about the sites you are bringing online with mojoPortal. If you have a high profile site or a design that you're particularly proud of, or a site showing custom features you've built on mojoPortal, let us know, maybe we'll feature your site(s) in a blog post.
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