mojoPortal is catching on in local and state government as a way to improve web presence quality and reduce cost and effort of maintaining web sites and managing their content.
Yesterday after a year of work, the City of Escondido California went live with their new web site built on mojoPortal.

"About 18 months ago, I was tasked to evaluate low cost and no cost CMS solutions to bring much needed modernization of our web presence. After evaluating more than a dozen open source solutions, mojoPortal was the clear winner for us. The combination of ease-of-use, security, and depth of features just can't be beat by any other open source CMS."
"Next will be new versions of our Police, Fire, Library, Recreation, and Sports Center sites, and brand new sites for the aquatics club and skate park. Being able to so easily host and segregate independent sites under a single installation of mojoPortal has been a real blessing."
"One of the great strengths of mojoPortal is the ability to easily develop and integrate our own custom features. We were able to take advantage of this with a utility bill lookup feature that lets citizens pull up their previous bills in PDF format, and parcel lookup to retrieve information about land parcels within the City, and download that information to a CSV file. We have plans for many more custom features, including adding the ability for citizens to pay their utility bill and other bills online. For this we will be developing a feature that communicates with our internal core Financials systems across secured web services."
- Jamie Eubanks - Information Systems Department of the City of Escondido, California

"We are a small California state government agency. When we decided that we needed a content management system we reviewed several packages. We rated mojoPortal far and above all the others. After bringing our new mojoPortal website online in August, we have received kudos from other state agencies as well as from the public."
- Linda Sabella - Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, State of California
It is always gratifying to hear about success stories from the growing community of mojoPortal users. We'd love to hear about your success stories too, so if you've done something cool or substantial with mojoPortal please let us know!