Crispin participated in these discussions.

Subject Forum Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Feature Templates Feature Requests Crispin 2501 0 7/21/2012 5:12:01 AM
Image gallery bulk upload failing Site Administration Crispin 7484 17 7/21/2012 2:58:49 AM
BIG problem in in extensionless page mode Bug Reports Crispin 7166 17 7/19/2012 12:39:42 PM
Joe Audette
Deletion of Image Gallery leave images and folders behind Bug Reports Crispin 3718 3 7/16/2012 8:44:45 AM
Joe Davis
Webstore - ability to set limit on quantity Feature Requests Crispin 2886 1 7/5/2012 11:14:56 AM
Joe Audette
Map - ability to set width as % Feature Requests Crispin 2776 1 7/2/2012 9:42:42 AM
Joe Audette
data module and comment/reviews module Feature Requests victorzsl 3109 2 7/2/2012 9:34:39 AM
Joe Audette
File browser did not see virtual directory Site Administration Jürgen Wissler 3962 6 6/30/2012 3:20:47 AM
Crispin upgrade script errors Site Administration Crispin 2899 2 6/30/2012 3:08:53 AM
Security/permissions question for custom role Site Administration Crispin 3087 2 6/16/2012 12:45:12 AM
Blog that is editable by one user is not visible to metawegblogapi Bug Reports Crispin 3129 1 6/15/2012 10:09:49 AM
Joe Audette
RSS Feed throwing errors into the log Bug Reports Crispin 2634 1 6/15/2012 9:57:08 AM
Joe Audette
Arvixe - Database connection drops Bug Reports Jerry McCreary 8165 11 6/14/2012 6:21:10 PM
Slidepanel showing all images on load Design & Skinning Crispin 4208 5 6/11/2012 1:12:29 PM
Option to hide all the settings/edit links and the admin bar Feature Requests Crispin 3012 1 6/10/2012 10:24:33 PM
Joe Davis
Adding new pages forces log out & admin bar to disappear Bug Reports jasonDMSQD 3247 4 6/1/2012 1:12:02 AM
Not a bug - case sensitivity of security question - over zealous? Bug Reports Crispin 3105 2 6/1/2012 1:08:55 AM
Duplicate Emails on Forum Subscriptions Bug Reports itpurchasing 2879 7 5/31/2012 12:23:04 PM
Joe Audette
Web Store Terms & Conditions Site Administration Joe Davis 3108 3 5/28/2012 3:01:06 PM
Joe Davis
Provide content to one user only? Site Administration Crispin 3165 3 5/19/2012 8:30:49 AM