Menu Item not point to a page

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5/7/2005 5:03:47 PM
Total Posts 38

Re: Menu Item not point to a page

I am wondering if there is a way to prevent a menu item from opening a page.

I have the menu item Downloads and a Child Menu item
I would like to have just the option to select a child menu item rather than a page .


   ==> Child1
   ==> Child2

Currently on selection or click on Downloads a page opens. I would like to only have the child menu items showing.

5/10/2005 2:53:50 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Menu Item not point to a page

There is a page setting "Show Child Page Menu" that currently does nothing but my intent is to implement it such that it shows links to the child pages. That way if the child pages are the real pages of interest, at least if they do click the parent page they get a menu. I have the same issue on my Documenation link so I manually created links for now.
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