where or where to put code for Search

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3/13/2012 5:44:42 PM
Total Posts 1

where or where to put code for Search

I know the answer is here because i saw it once and now i cannot find it again. All i want to do is add Search to the Right side of my Header. I know that the code goes somewhere in the Layout.master file. What i do not know is where it goes and what the magic one line of code is. If someone could tell me where to go i would be beholding to you.



3/13/2012 10:52:12 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: where or where to put code for Search


Please see the Search Input Box documentation.

As for placement, that is dependent upon your skin. It will take a little bit of trial-and-error to get it right. You'll more than likely need to modify CSS to make it show up the way you want it.

Joe D.

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