Pages as Links in the main menu

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3/12/2012 4:48:28 AM
Total Posts 15

Pages as Links in the main menu


I have the following page set -

-Contact Us
-About Us

Works fine, but if the user clicks on the 'Contacts' link in the main menu, he will be directed to an empty page.

I want to direct the user to the 'Contact Us' page if he clicks on the 'Contacts' link.
So, the 'Contacts' link is more an alias.

Seems as there is no way to do this without tricky redirects etc.

Thanks for any comments.

3/12/2012 10:21:19 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Pages as Links in the main menu

Is "Contact Us" a mojoPortal page with a contact form instance on it? If so, I'd put the contents of the Contact Us page directly on the Contacts page with a Contact Us header, and remove the Contact Us page altogether.

As an alternative, if you are using a flyout main menu, you could make the Contacts page an Unclickable Menu Item.


3/12/2012 1:02:01 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Pages as Links in the main menu

Another option is to set the URL on the Contacts page to the full url of the Contact Us page. For instance, http://www.mysite.url/contact-us.aspx.

Joe Davis

3/13/2012 4:55:03 AM
Total Posts 15

Re: Pages as Links in the main menu

Thanks ! I have managed to set the full url for the Contact Us link.

Yes, I am using flyout menus and sometimes it is helpful to have a separate page for horizontal menu items, sometimes not. It would be helpful to let developers mark pages/links as aliases to other pages, this way full URLs will not be necessary...  an absolute URL to a page in a self-contained site is not a neat solution anyway.

Unclickable Menu Item is not an option in terms of useability because other horizontal menu items are clickable.

3/13/2012 8:27:28 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Pages as Links in the main menu

You could also setup a 301 redirect from the parent/container page url to the child page url so that if the user clicks the parent page link it redirects to the child page. This can be done under Administration > Advanced Tools > 301 Redirect Manager

but remember that 301 is a permanent redirect so plan carefully, if you ever change your mind you would need to change the url on the parent/container page.

ie you could set the url on the parent/container to be like


then create the 301 from ~/redirect-to-contact.aspx to ~/contact.aspx

later if you change your mind you would change the parent/container page url from ~/redirect-to-contact.aspx to something else.

Hope that helps,


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