Radeditor and Cannot Deserialize Dialog Parameters. Invalid character in a Base-64 string

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3/2/2012 10:23:38 PM
Total Posts 3

Radeditor and Cannot Deserialize Dialog Parameters. Invalid character in a Base-64 string

I installed the radeditor and it occasionally threw the above error when trying various functions within the editor.

The solution can be found at http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/editorcannotdeserializedialogparameters.html

Essentially in the user.config put the folowing in:


<add key="Telerik.Web.UI.DialogParametersEncryptionKey" value="2C23234234D4566DC4AD6A-63D6-4db9-A3FB-3adfasd6846D"/>


Just an fyi.

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