FormWizard Pro - Export Orphan Responses CSV Blank

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3/1/2012 3:18:54 PM
Total Posts 49
TRIAD/Next Level Interactive

FormWizard Pro - Export Orphan Responses CSV Blank

We're experiencing an issue when trying to export orphan responses from the FormWizard Pro on one of our sites. We can export the CSV with no issues, but the file is blank when there should be 87 orphans listed.

No error shows up in the Error Log.

The site is running an older version ( MSSQL) and updating is not an option right now.

Any thoughts? How can we retrieve these 87 submissions?


3/1/2012 5:59:41 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: FormWizard Pro - Export Orphan Responses CSV Blank


I think this issue was reported a while back and fixed in a newer release of FWP. The version of mojo you're running is very old and actually has some security bugs so you might want to look into upgrading. I know you said it's not an option but keeping a site running using software that has security holes isn't really an option either.

If you absolutely can't upgrade, you might be able to write your own SQL to pull the information from the db.

Joe D.

3/2/2012 6:04:39 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FormWizard Pro - Export Orphan Responses CSV Blank


It isn't really feasible to fix bugs in old versions so really I agree with Joe that upgrading both mojoPortal and Form Wizard Pro is the best solution, though you will need to make corresponding changes in your skin after upgrading.

There was a bug in old versions of Form Wizard where deleting results from one form instance was causing orphans in other instances. That specific bug was deleting incorrect rows from the sts_WebFormResponseSet table so the orphans would be found by

SELECT * FROM sts_WebFormResponse WHERE
[ResponseSetGuid] NOT IN (SELECT [Guid]
FROM [dbo].[sts_WebFormResponseSet]

The stored procedure that caused the problem was fixed in version of Form Wizard. The procedure changed from this:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sts_WebFormResponse_DeleteByForm]

Author: Joe Audette
Created: 2008-09-26
Last Modified: 2008-09-26

@FormGuid uniqueidentifier


DELETE FROM [dbo].[sts_WebFormResponse]
[ResponseSetGuid] IN (SELECT ResponseSetGuid
FROM [dbo].[sts_WebFormResponseSet]
WHERE FormGuid = @FormGuid)

to this:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sts_WebFormResponse_DeleteByForm]

Author: Joe Audette
Created: 2008-09-26
Last Modified: 2011-03-29

@FormGuid uniqueidentifier


DELETE FROM [dbo].[sts_WebFormResponse]
[ResponseSetGuid] IN (SELECT [Guid]
FROM [dbo].[sts_WebFormResponseSet]
WHERE FormGuid = @FormGuid)

Hope that helps,


3/2/2012 7:30:52 AM
Total Posts 49
TRIAD/Next Level Interactive

Re: FormWizard Pro - Export Orphan Responses CSV Blank

Thanks guys. We do plan to update this site, but not right now. If I only update FormWizard will it solve the problem? Is FWP v. compatible with this version of mojoPortal?

3/2/2012 7:38:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FormWizard Pro - Export Orphan Responses CSV Blank

No, mojoPortal is from July 2010, that is very old.

The System Requirments tab on the Form Wizard product page shows that Form Wizard required mojoPortal version

There is simply no way to get all bug fixes other than upgrading.

You could use the select statement I provided to get the current orphans and you could run the alter procedure statement to possibly fix the problem that caused the orphans but that is about as much as you can do short of upgrading.

Hope that helps,


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