Custom Forum Message Template Files

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2/29/2012 4:40:18 PM
Total Posts 2254

Custom Forum Message Template Files

Hi Joe,

For Event Calendar Pro, one can set web.config settings to direct ECP to use custom files for the various message templates. Can the same be accomplished with the Forums? If so, what are the keys?

Joe D.

3/2/2012 6:24:23 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Custom Forum Message Template Files

Hi Joe,

I've added a request for this in our forum project tracker.

For now what you could do is create a folder at /Data/CustomMessageTemplates and after each upgrade you could copy the custom ones from there into the /Data/MessageTemplates folder.

The ones for forum notication can be found in that folder, they start with en-US-ForumNotificationEmail...config

So you could modify them and keep backups in the custom folder that you restore after upgrades until we have a better solution.



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