Why is my site's hostname showing up as an IP address?

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2/27/2012 3:14:56 PM
Total Posts 19

Why is my site's hostname showing up as an IP address?

On the breadcrumb navigation on my site, when I hover over the 'Home' link it displays an IP address (i.e.  It doesn't do this on the rest of the breadcrumb links, where it displays the hostname, it only does this on the home link.  I also notice the URL behind the '?' help icon in the Admin site also has an IP address.  All the rest of the links on my site seem to be ok and are pointing to the proper hostname.  Just to check, I looked at the 'AllowForcingPreferredHostName' value in the web.config and it is set to false.  I don't know if it would help at all to set this to true.  I've never had this problem before on any of my other production or local development sites.  Any idea what could be causing an IP address to display instead of a hostname?  Just to point out, I am navigating to my site pages by host name and not by IP.

Thank You!

2/28/2012 6:59:36 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Why is my site's hostname showing up as an IP address?


You did not mention what version of mojoPortal?

Usually something like that is caused when the site is behind a proxy server or something that is routing or forwarding requests for the host name to the web server but the web server does not see the host name as resolving to itself. Possibly it could be solved by adding a line in the host file of the web server so it knows the host name maps to its ip address.

Hope that helps,


2/29/2012 11:26:51 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: Why is my site's hostname showing up as an IP address?

Thanks for the response Joe.  The hostname is already there in the hosts file, and we're not using a proxy server.  Any other ideas?


2/29/2012 11:48:33 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Why is my site's hostname showing up as an IP address?

If you are running the latest version of mojoPortal I have no more ideas, the reasons I stated are the only ones I can think of that would cause that problem.

If you are not running the latest version, upgrading may solve the problem. In older versions we were caching the SiteRoot as a property on SiteSettings, but this could cause problems if the site was accessible by more than one url, ie if a request came in using just the ip address the SiteRoot could get cached with just the ip address and then subsequent requests that came in using the host name would still get the cached site root from the ip address. This was changed in either the latest or a recent upgrade so that the site root is always calculated based on the current request and is not cached.

Hope that helps,


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