Replicating a site in mojoPortal

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2/24/2012 4:02:17 PM
Total Posts 130

Replicating a site in mojoPortal


I am needing to replicate site content (in my multi-site installation) from one site to another.  I've created the new site, applied duplicate roles and permissions, replicated data in mp_Pages, mp_PageModules, mp_Modules and mp_HtmlContent but am running into trouble with the GUIDS (I believe).  Do you have a script for replicating site content to a different Site in the same installation, or has anyone run into this issue in the past?



2/24/2012 4:12:13 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Replicating a site in mojoPortal

Hi Beth. I believe the only supported method to do something like this is to use the method documented on the Configuring Initial Content page. If it's not a lot of content that's being loaded, hopefully this system will work for you.


3/8/2012 4:36:55 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Replicating a site in mojoPortal

Hi Beth,

I might have a solution for you for copying content from one site to another. Send me an email and we can discuss it. joe (at) i7media (dot) net

Joe D.

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