Image Gallery Colorbox Not Working

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2/11/2012 1:01:56 AM
Total Posts 15

Image Gallery Colorbox Not Working

Hi Joe...

i recently upgraded to version MSSQL from a much earlier version (.net 4.0 medium trust) and the image gallery that uses colorbox doesn't seem to have the colorbox features anymore..

here's an example

i figure i need to upgrade my (very old) skins and css .. would you be able to point me in the right direction to do work out how to do this?

thanks Keith


2/11/2012 12:23:12 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Image Gallery Colorbox Not Working

Hello Keith,

You'll need to add the colorbox css to your skin. Older versions of mojoPortal (prior to used GreyBox in the image gallery, so your skin is probably setup for that.

Anytime you're upgrading, you should check the "Important Skin Changes" document to see if there are any skin changes associated with the releases between the version you're running and the version to which you're upgrading.

Joe D. 

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