Redirect menu page to site outside of mojoportal.

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1/26/2012 9:10:22 AM
Total Posts 5

Redirect menu page to site outside of mojoportal.


I have a page with Root parent, so it is also in the main menu of our mojoportal site.  My supervisor requested that when a user click's the page's name in the menu that it redirects to another site, unrelated to mojoportal.  I was looking for a way to achieve this using the 301 redirect Administrator page, but couldn't find what I need for this.  Is this possible?

1/26/2012 9:44:26 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Redirect menu page to site outside of mojoportal.


This is actually very easy to do. Follow the instructions on the Linking to External Pages article.

Joe D.

1/26/2012 9:53:46 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: Redirect menu page to site outside of mojoportal.

That's exactly what I needed.  Thank you Joe.

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