mojoPortal runs extremely Faster than any other cms.

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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1/25/2012 12:26:01 PM
Total Posts 58
"Digg-in yourself to achieve excellence!" Follow #GPsays

mojoPortal runs extremely Faster than any other cms.

Hi Joe,

I really want to appreciate your great invention of offering a Easy to Use portal that's damn flexible to customize and having good support off the line on the mojoPortal Community and also feeling happy to be a community member and a user.

I recently tested  today with speeds of few websites that run on good servers with mojoPortal and other CMS's. I was surprised to see the load time and the results are here as follows.


Domain name                            Size                                   Load Time Average                              Speed per KB

1             85.65 KB                                  0.83 seconds                                   0.01 seconds

2                      85.65 KB                                  0.96 seconds                                   0.01 seconds

3           24.67 KB                                  0.61 seconds                                    0.02 seconds

4            66.39 KB                                  0.69 seconds                                     0.01 seconds

5              10.34 KB                                   0.49 seconds                                     0.05 seconds

Kudos to all the mojoPortal developers,


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