I have had to rebuild my development machine and re-install everything. No problem just time!
Got it all in and am now reinstalling the web sites and DB's but I am unable to create a new MS SQL Login that works!
I have done the following... (and feeling pretty stupid over such a simple task)
- Open MS SQL Manamgement Studio R2
- Click on the "Connect" image
- Login using Windows Authentication as myself
- Right click on Security | New | Login
- Enter the name (mojouser)
- Select SQL Authentication button
- Enter the password (mojo123)
- Enter password again
- Select User Mapping menu item (top left)
- Select DB (mojoportal)
- Add username
- Add "dbo" under Schema
- Press Ok to save....
Select Connect button again...
Enter UID & PWD select SQL Authentication NOT Windows...
FAILS with 18456 error...???
So what am I missing or doing wrong?