tell more about how you deployed it.
see my documentation which explains how I prepare a package for deployment.
make sure you deployed a release build and set compilation debug="false" in web.config
make sure the skin files are getting deployed, if you are deploying over an existing site you may need to copy the skins from /Data/skins to /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins
you've pulled a newer version but it should be fine
we use a virtual path provider (VPP) to load the file from the skin folder rather than from /App_Themes
default1artisteer31-orangecream is a fake theme name that it should try to load from /App_Themes but our VPP should load it form the skin folder and just use that as the cache key
however VPP doesn't work in medium trust under .NET 3.5, are you sure you are using .NET 4, it should work there.