Display order history in account profile

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1/9/2012 5:39:35 PM
Total Posts 225

Display order history in account profile

On one of my installations/sites ( I can't get the users "order history" to appear in their "My Account" area. There's an event calendar pro on the site where people register for free events and we'd like those registrations to show up in their account area if possible. I know this works because on another install/site it's working fine. On this site however the order history tab doesn't even show up and I can't figure out why.

Any ideas? I'd imagine there's a setting or config setting somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find it! Thanks.

1/10/2012 8:31:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Display order history in account profile

Hi Eric,

Orders can only show up there if the user was authenticated at the time of the ticket purchase/registration otherwise we don't know who the user is and cannot attach a userguid to the order. There is a setting in Event Calendar Pro under Ticket/Registration Settings to determine whether users must be authenticated to purchase tickets/register for free events. If you don't allow unauthenticated users to purchase/register then they will be prompted to login or register to complete the order/reservation and then future orders will show up in their purchase history.



1/12/2012 3:04:06 PM
Total Posts 225

Re: Display order history in account profile

I know that's the way it's supposed to work, but for some reason on this site it isn't working that way. I have the checkbox unchecked forcing registration for the calendar, I create an account (logged in) and register for an event. But the "order history" still never shows up under my account for some reason. I've been trying a lot of different things and I'm pretty sure I'm doing this right. On a different install/site it works just fine, I can't figure out why this site would work different.

Here's a sample free event:

User profile:

If you wouldn't mind sending through a bogus registration to see the issue I would appreciate it. I'll gladly donate $20 if you could help figure this out (even if the answer is simple).


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