Permissions to create New Pages allowed for all authenticated?

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1/3/2012 5:53:15 PM
Total Posts 8

Permissions to create New Pages allowed for all authenticated?

Hi Joe,

We just noticed a strange problem with our  installation.  It appears that any authenticated user is allowed to create a new page.   I can't find where this permission is coming from.  I have checked the permissions tab and it looks like only Content Administrators are allowed to create pages.  I can't find anything in the administration site settings that would explain this.  Is there some other setting I need to check that would explain this?




1/4/2012 9:29:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Permissions to create New Pages allowed for all authenticated?

Hi Linda,

The Permissions tab in Site Settings only controls who can create root level pages.

In the page settings for any page there is a Security tab where you can define "Roles that can create pages below this page". Possibly you have Authenticated Users role selected there in one or some pages. I would check the parent pages above any pages you think were created by a user in only the authenticated users role.

Hope that helps,


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