HtmlSetting control not rendering

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12/29/2011 3:48:15 PM
Total Posts 81
Website Hobbyist and Software Engineer
Proud member of the mojoPortal team

HtmlSetting control not rendering

I have an odd occurance that I am at a lost for figuring out. I have my local Development environment running with the latest code (with in the last 24 hours) and when I view the settings for features (like Blog and Audio/Video Player) that use the HtmlSetting ISettingControl the wysiwyg editor renders fine on the ~/Admin/ModuleSettings.aspx page for them.

But on my "production" mojoPortal instance (updated last night to all I get is a textarea, not the wysiwyg editor, for the Settings pages of the features. The wysiwyg editors present fine in other locations, like when editing content for an HTML feature, so I seem to have limited it to the HtmlSetting ISettingControl. I did some investigation and I don't see anything jumping out at me as to why it would work on my local Development instance but not my "production" instance.

Anybody have any ideas?



12/30/2011 10:08:08 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HtmlSetting control not rendering

Hi Kerry,

How did you get the source code, using TortoiseHG or the source code download links from codeplex? People often report this when they get the zip generated by the codeplex site, not sure what causes it but best to use TortoiseHG.

The only other things to check is that your Web.config file on production is configured to use the correct versions of the editors and that the editor scripts exist on disk under /ClientScript and that they have at least read permissions for  the user that is the identity on the app pool.

The HtmlSetting control uses CKeditor, so make sure that is configured correctly in Web.config and the files for it exist on disk and have the correct permissions. If you are using a different editor for the main editor that would explain the difference of why it may work elsewhere.

Possibly the web.config on production is not correct but your local dev copy is?

Hope that helps,


12/30/2011 2:48:48 PM
Total Posts 81
Website Hobbyist and Software Engineer
Proud member of the mojoPortal team

Re: HtmlSetting control not rendering

After much more digging, I found the root of the issue was because a .htaccess file existed in the ~/ClientScript/ckeditor362/ directory and the IIS server was returning html code in place of the contents of ckeditor.js. The html code contained the following text:

DotNetPanel IIS Modules Error
AuthName directive not found

After doing research, I found that in the download this .htaccess file existed and was uploaded to my server when I upgraded to that version. I checked in the 2-3-7-6 deployment and did not see it there.

So, in short, it sounds like folks might want to check their ~/ClientScript/ckeditor362/ directory to see if it has an .htaccess file and if so, delete it.

All works great for me now.



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