Twitter credentials?

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12/16/2011 4:55:42 PM
Total Posts 8

Twitter credentials?

Hi Joe,

We recently upgraded from to  We have been using the Twitter widget to display tweets to a page on which we allow limited access.  The twitter account is also locked down using "Protect my tweets".  Our web people insist that the tweets were displaying before the upgrade to, that "protect my tweets" has always been enabled on the Twitter account and that it was definitely working before the upgrade.  I have tried to find credentials embedded somewhere in the old web.config, but found nothing. 

I am not sure how this could have been working in the past.  Do you have any ideas where I might check?  If your answer is that my web people are mistaken, then is there a market for you to develop something that can pass Twitter credentials?  We would be interested  in purchasing such an feature.




12/18/2011 10:43:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Twitter credentials?

Hi Linda,

Our twitter widgets are just using the javscript widgets provided by Twitter for profile tweets or twitter search. As such it is just javascript and no credentials have ever been passed with it. If credentials were used in javascript it would not be secure because someone could view trhe source of the page and get the credentials. To do something like that would require making server side web requests to get the tweets using the credentials but our widgets don't do that, they load the tweets client side from the user web browser using javascript.

So we don't currently have a way to show private or protected tweets. There is no way it could have worked in the past unless the tweets were not protected.



12/19/2011 1:16:31 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: Twitter credentials?

Thanks, Joe.  I thought that was the case.  

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