Event Calendar Pro: Multiple Price Points

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12/12/2011 10:47:04 AM
Total Posts 2247

Event Calendar Pro: Multiple Price Points

Hey Joe,

Would it be possible to add multiple price points to events in ECP?

This would make it possible for site owners to sell different levels of access to a single event. Example: A training company wants to sell tickets for a training session. One price point is for a ticket with access to the event only. Another price point is for a ticket with access to the event and lunch. Finally, a third price point would allow access to the event, lunch and a DVD of the training session. Currently, to do this, they must re-create the same event for each price point they have.

What do you think?


12/12/2011 11:03:34 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro: Multiple Price Points

Hi Joe,

I can see how that would be useful for some scenarios but honestly its a tall order and I don't see it happening any time soon.

My advice for now would be to link to webstore and sell lunch or additional things separately or else just bundle them in and include them in the price.

I'll log it in the project tracker as a wish list item but I don't expect to get to it near term.



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