Lost with Artisteer created skin

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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2/20/2012 12:42:58 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

There are detailed instructions in the article Creating mojoPortal Skins from Artisteer HTML templates.

However, I don't think you'll be able to produce a useable skin with a trial version. I'm not even sure if you can export files from a trial version but if you can it will have watermarks on all the images.

I'm pretty sure the version info is under File > About Artisteer

"Untitled" is just the name of the file you're working with, you can name it when you save it, if the trial version allows saving.

Hope that helps,


2/20/2012 1:14:25 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

Perhaps you can point me to the part of this page that has the "detailed instructions" on it?

I am exporting from Artisteer, getting a directory full of stuff that I am then copying over to the skins subdirectory, then selecting that style from within the Admin of mojoPortal and I get absolute garbage that doesn't work at all.

2/20/2012 1:40:14 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

And apparently you can't even open up the supplied templates with Artisteer because there is no .artx file?

2/20/2012 1:45:49 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

Well it seems pretty detailed to me. I might be willing to help you further except that I already don't like your tone towards me and I saw the other thread you got a lot of help and try to blame mojoPortal for your frustration. 

Any help you receive here is voluntary and I suggest if you want people to want to invest their own free time to help you, you should not try to pass your stress on to us.

This is a free product and we provide a lot of good support but there is indeed a good deal to know in order to manage web sites and web servers and do web design. Technology is often frustrating when we don't know how it works or what to do, you should expect frustration as we've all had our share, often there are things that seem so hard until you know how to do them and then it seems easy.

You said previously on this thread:

So apparently one must also be a server administrator or have that experience to be able to use this CMS product...?

The answer is in fact yes to run web sites and webservers you do need to be a system admin to at least some degree, that is true for any web site software. There is a lot to it, we try to make it easy as we can but it does require some knowledge of how the web works and how web server work to manage web sites and web servers. Bottom line if you choose another CMS that is ok with me, I don't claim mojoPortal to be the solution for every web site or every project.

I felt a need to give this warning because you've already raised my stress level unneccesarily. Now if you want to back up and take a more friendly tone and start over I may be willing to help you further.

First things I would want to know is:

1. What version of mojoPortal are you using. Look under Administration > System Information

2. What version of  .NET framework 3.5 or 4.0?

3. Hosted in Medium Trust hosting or not?

4. Included Artisteer skins work ok or not?

2/20/2012 1:48:31 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

We have a separate download on our codeplex download page with the .artx files

Again with the tone I don't appreciate, you are making me not want to help you.

2/20/2012 1:49:15 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

You can download the .artx files from the download page on codeplex. The file is named ArtisteerFiles.zip.

2/20/2012 2:30:28 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

Hi Joe,

I just had to chime in my two cents worth...

I have been using mojoPortla for about a year now and at first I could not get my head around it at all.  But with some excellent help and patience from Joe and others here I now have 4 web sites up and very happily running on mojoPortal.

I can sympathizze with your frustration, as Joe noted we all went through it at first.  So mellow out take a deep breath and come back nice and cool and joe and the rest of teh cang here will take you very slowly through every step and taks you need and get you there.

And please when you are done buy them a couple of beers.  Remember all the support they give you here is FREE.

Thanks to everyone here for their patience and continued suppot and upgrades to the best(for me) web software I have found.

Thanks everyone

2/20/2012 2:30:38 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

There are certainly a number of positive comments regarding the mojoPortal CMS out there on the web and I would like to count myself among those finding success in utilizing this particular product, so I appreciate the ongoing assistance.


Currently, I have the following system information related to this mojoPortal installation:

mojoPortal Version MSSQL

Operating System Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

ASP.NET Info v4.0.30319 Running in Full Trust


It would appear that the main limitations of the trial version of Artisteer is that one cannot save an .artx file, and that there are artificial watermarks added to the design.  The main issue I am running into, and the information that seems to evade me, is where to move the files exported out of Artisteer to... If I move them to a subdirectory such as Z:\Data\Sites\1\skins\untitled then change the style within mojoPortal to use the "untitled" style, nothing seems to work in regard to styling the CMS site. 

2/20/2012 2:32:28 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

And thanks for your patience and Phil for the .02...

2/20/2012 2:43:50 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

Ok, rather than answer here, I've updated the article, with some steps at the bottom that I hope will make it more clear.

2/21/2012 1:23:14 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Lost with Artisteer created skin

I believe that the portion that was a bit unclear was in exactly what files were needed in getting a new skin to function properly.  I was moving the exported files from Artisteer over to my server, placing them under the skins directory, then selecting that as the style to use for mojoPortal.  This resulted in a non functional style.  After working with this a bit now, comparing file contents between skin directories and reviewing information posted here, I think one of the more important pieces of information in regard to creating a new skin style is the advice to copy an existing skin first and use that as the directory/container for any files exported from Artisteer.  The non functional style (and associated directory) that I was trying to work with previously, did not have the files needed by mojoPortal it would seem, as indicated by another piece of information included in the instructions...  "The part of the Html export from Artisteer used in mojoPortal consists only of the CSS files, javascript and images." 

So, is there a list available of the base files that are required by mojoPortal, within a skins subdirectory, in order to operate properly?

Thanks again

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