Help with Store... product variables?

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12/1/2011 8:33:35 AM
Total Posts 1

Help with Store... product variables?

Hi there,

Building a store for a client where visitors (mainly parents) can sign their children up for classes. As part of the purchase procedure, we need to be able to ask them for the child's name, age, and a contact phone number. Is there a way to do this with the current store module? 




12/1/2011 8:46:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Help with Store... product variables?

Hi Jason,

No, the WebStore is a very basic ecommerce feature that currently supports download products fairly well but not much else.

You might take a look at my add-on product Event Calendar Pro, which can sell tickets for events. It supports a free form text area and an instruction block where you can ask users to provide additional information. You can try it out on our demo site to see if it meets your needs well enough.

Hope that helps,


12/3/2011 2:39:00 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Help with Store... product variables?

Hi Jason

I have a similar situation, and I have simply configured the site to require registration before ordering. You can then customize the registration profile to include the details you need.  In general requiring registration before purchasing could deter users, but it sounds like your situation is quite niche and perhaps this would be OK?

good luck

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