Event Calendar Pro

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11/20/2011 5:33:08 PM
Total Posts 221

Event Calendar Pro

Working with a recent client we've come up with a few issues and feature enhancements that would make the Calendar Pro module even better. Here's the list, if others like any of the ideas please chime in.

1) The repeating function only allows specific options and isn't as flexible as often needed. For example, there isn't a way to have a repeating support group every Wednesday or the 2nd Monday of each month. Or maybe you want to do every Monday and Wednesday of each month, that's not possible (a lot of combinations are not possible). When you select the monthly or weekly options the event will repeat on the actual date you select and not on the day of the week (as in every 12th of the month instead of every Monday). I guess both options could be useful, but I think most repeating events fall on days of the weeks and not so much on the actual number.

2) It would be great if the email confirmation that goes out could be customized to some degree. Maybe there's a calendar wide default you set in the main module settings that could then be overridden at the event level. Often special instructions are needed. It would be nice to remove the wording about printing the event confirmation out, etc. Also cancelation instructions, etc.

3) A way for end users to cancel their event if need be. Maybe it's a special link in the confirmation email. We'd probably then need a way to set how many days before the event the user can cancel. And maybe this only works for "free" events if refunds via AuthorizeNet/PayPal would be too difficult. At the very least some way to inject instructions into the email for what to do in the event the user needs to cancel.

4) The map pin only shows if the checkbox for "show balloon" is checked. I think this is probably a bug, the pin should really always show regardless of that checkbox. This is when using the Bing map.

Just ideas to maybe improve an already awesome module! Thanks.


11/21/2011 11:11:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro

Hi Eric,

Those are all very good suggestions. I already had a ticket in my project tracker for more recurrence options but I've updated the ticket with more details from your suggestion and I've added tickets for the other ideas.



11/21/2011 2:27:47 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Event Calendar Pro

There's also a little something up with the Bing Maps implementation, in that the pin location moves when you zoom in and out.  Sorry I've not had time to research what's really going on here, but a user pointed it out to me and I can confirm. Whether you defined location of pin with lat/long or address this drift is quite noticeable. User got very miffed and switched maps off completely as a result.

Something else about the pin... from memory... it doesn't use the Location Alias as the label for the map pin. (sorry, this is from memory - haven't got testing site available right now). 

11/22/2011 11:21:37 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: Event Calendar Pro

I just bought a copy of Event Calendar Pro and the suggestion about repeating items by day of the month is a very good one.  I just spent a fair amount of time putting in a repeating event then adjusting the date each month so it would be on the 2nd Tuesday for the next year.  Still much better than having to do them all from scratch but.......

Thanks for all the hard work.


11/23/2011 10:56:37 AM
Total Posts 221

Re: Event Calendar Pro

Just found two new bugs.

1) There's a typo in the confirmation email. The receipt leads off with a misspelling of “ticker” instead of “ticket”.

2) Sometimes when viewing the "view orders" link as an admin the event title has the wrong date posted next to the event title on the page. I can't figure out how this happens but I do have examples where all the event details say one date but under the view orders page the date in the headline shows a different date. I tried moving a test event around to see if something wasn't being updated during a change, but can't find the exact formula for this bug. I could show you via screen share or other means that the bug does exist however.

Thanks Joe, the typo is rather urgent as you can imagine for companies using the registration feature. Would there be a resource file somewhere I could manually edit just to quickly fix this? The view orders bug is only seen by admins and less critical (more confusing to them than anything).

Thank you!

11/23/2011 11:09:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro

Hi Eric,

Oops! I guess that typo has been there for quite a while, surprised no-one has mentioned it before. It is easy to fix, you can edit the file at 


It is also possible to customize the template by adding a config setting to point to a different file like this:

<add key="EventCalProCustomConfirmationBodyTemplate" value="MyCustomEventTicketConfirmationTemplate.config" />

where the file on disk would need to live in the same message templates folder and should have a prefix of en-US-

If you want to email me the screen shots of that other problem it may help but to fix it I'll need to reproduce it somehow.



11/23/2011 12:14:19 PM
Total Posts 221

Re: Event Calendar Pro

Here is a screen shot of the date display anomaly. I have not found out how to reproduce yet, I only know that we have a few events that show the wrong date. I understand being able to reproduce is critical....


11/28/2011 7:40:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro

Thanks! I've fixed this in my copy so it will be fixed in the next release of Event Calendar Pro. It is just a place where we forgot to localize the time display from Utc to the correct time zone.



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