WANTED; beginners guide to running Mojoportal on Ubuntu Linux

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11/7/2011 5:19:38 AM
Total Posts 15

WANTED; beginners guide to running Mojoportal on Ubuntu Linux

Dear Mojoportal,

I am working in Ubuntu 11.04 with the mojoportal 2-3-7-0 download files for NET3.5  and a MySQL database, in order to update a very old existing mojoportal website installation. This requires substituting a whole new skin to work with the many changes that have taken place to mojoportal since our existing version was set up.  I want to be able to view the new installation on my local computer and adjust the skin before risking an upload to our web hosting service.

There are two webpages from the Documentation section of the Mojoportal website relating to using Apache to run the system on a local host,  one at http://www.mojoportal.com/apachesetup.aspx and one at http://www.joeaudette.com/settingupapachevirtualhostswithmod_mono.aspx , but after struggling with both of these I cannot get mojoportal to run in the Firefox browser.

Trawling the web for other advice has given me a dozen different solutions, none of which work, and I am leaving a trail of abandoned code changes in various configuration files in apache and mod_mono , trying and failing to get a Virtual Host, or anything at all to appear in Firefox.

I need a straightforward simple guide setting out a step by step process that will get mojoportal running on my computer in Firefox so that I can view the effect of changes to the skin that I want to make.

Can you please help with an idiot proof set of instructions on what changes to make to specific files and what address to call up in Firefox to eventually see mojoportal running?

This beginner is really struggling!

Tony Morton


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