creating a table from an excel file

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11/3/2011 1:36:38 PM
Total Posts 11

creating a table from an excel file


I have an excel sheet with abut 8 columns and 1000 rows. I want to recreate it on a webpage on my website and feed any future changes from the excel file. Any suggestions how to create a table to pull data straight from excel and populate automatically in the table on the website.




11/3/2011 3:54:16 PM
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Re: creating a table from an excel file

If I had the choice, I'd probably load the data into a table in your mojoPortal database, so you could more easily maintain and query it, take advantage of the CodeSmith data source templates that Joe has provided, and follow mojoPortal data access examples to pull data.

If you really want to keep the Excel spreadsheet as your data source, you can do that too. Here's an example I found with a quick Google search.

11/3/2011 3:57:44 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: creating a table from an excel file

Thank you so much for the response. Will try it and get back to you.



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