One calendar from Event Calendar Pro on all pages

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10/28/2011 6:55:05 AM
Total Posts 9

One calendar from Event Calendar Pro on all pages


My client wishes to be able to display one calendar (Event Calendar Pro, month view) on all pages in a left column.  

I can display it (I know you don't like it, I've used ModuleWrapper), but clicking on either the month, date or event gives access denied errors.

Is there another way I can get this working?



10/28/2011 7:04:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: One calendar from Event Calendar Pro on all pages

Event Calendar Pro does not support use of the same instance on multiple pages. It should be on a single page only and the page should have roles that allow users to visit it. When you create events it creates a friendly url and that friendly url maps to a real url that must have a pageid as a querystring param and it must have the same pageid for all events for that instance of Event Calendar Pro. The pageid and th emoduleid are both passed in the real url and these are verified to make sure the module really exists on the page and the roles are enforced based on the page roles and module roles.

What you could do to show a calendar on the side bar is.

1. Use Feed Manager in the side bar and mark it as global content so it is easy to add it to any page (or you can try th emodulewrapper way)

2. Consume the feed from Event Calendar Pro in Feed Manager.

3. In Feed Manager settings check the box for "Use Calendar View". This makes feed manager render a calendar.

But the links in the calendar of feed manager are still going to go to the event detail therefore the events must be created on a single page and you cannot move it to a different page after creating events or those previously created events will show access denied because the pageid is not correct.

Hope that helps,


10/28/2011 8:29:53 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: One calendar from Event Calendar Pro on all pages

Hi Joe,

thanks for you quick response. This will work for me!

One last question, how do I consume the feed from Event Calendar Pro? Is that a fixed url of the url of the page on which the calendar is shown?

and many thanks for the tip to edit and add events only from one page!


10/28/2011 8:34:11 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: One calendar from Event Calendar Pro on all pages

There is a feed icon shown if you have "Enable External Feed" checked in the settings of Event Calendar Pro. Once there is at least one event created right click that icon and choose copy link location to get the feed url, then paste it into Feed Manager.

Hope that helps,


10/28/2011 10:05:54 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: One calendar from Event Calendar Pro on all pages

Great Joe,

Splendid! Works like a charm.. Have a great weekend..


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