Great looking / functioning church / podcast site on MojoPortal!

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10/24/2011 4:35:42 PM
Total Posts 8

Great looking / functioning church / podcast site on MojoPortal!

Machias Community Church (, associated with Village Missions required a frequently updated Web site which is easy to maintain.  A fully-customizable presentation was strongly desired.

Prior development team expertise and satisfaction with mojoPortal made the platform decision a no-brainer.

The site has a daily updating photo blog ( maintained by the Pastor (Ron Sallee) as well as a weekly MP3 podcast series of sermons which are prominantly featured on the home page (

Take a look!  The development team can be reached at

10/24/2011 5:29:40 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Great looking / functioning church / podcast site on MojoPortal!

Nice professional looking site, Bill. If I can make a suggestion, I noticed that there are a mixture of links,  pointing to either or These sites appear to be the same, and assuming they are, for SEO and user interface consistency I'd recommend you pick and set up a preferred host name for the site. You can read more about this in the Forcing a Preferred Host document.


10/25/2011 7:29:05 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Great looking / functioning church / podcast site on MojoPortal!

Looks great! I've added it to the mojo Sites list.



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